Our Commitment to the Future
As Chief Looking Horse travels globally attending conferences concerning environmental and spiritual awareness, it is more and more evident that the most important participants are not at the table, our Youth. As the inheritors of this Sacred Mother Earth, too many are not aware of the environmental impact that we face today and that science projects for their future. Because of their lack of involvement we want to create a Council made up of Youth from around the world to bring about greater awareness which they can take home spreading the ideals of sustainable living practices and responsible, respectful behavior within their communities.
We want to reach Youth that may have a viewpoint of hopelessness, to provide them with the necessary tools and an acceptence of taking responsibility to become positive leaders and role models. A Global Youth council with participants from throughout the world that would allow cultural exchange, while reinforcing each individual cultural identity. This is the dream. We feel that participation in this type of forum would encourage an exchange of ideas and solutions, thus establishing a foundtion for their creative ability to foster change in their own communities and on a global level.
We seek to:
reinforce the celebration and sharing of their individual traditional values and culture, thus promoting respect for themselves and one another.
give voice and empower Youth so that they may add their perspective to the global forum while assisting them in preparing for their future role as peacekeepers and caretakers of the land.
News – See More about the Youth Council.